Eddie Redmayne in Pillars of the Earth

Eddie Redmayne in Pillars of the Earth Eddie Redmayne in Pillars of the Earth Eddie Redmayne in Pillars of the Earth Eddie Redmayne in Pillars of the Earth Eddie Redmayne in Pillars of the Earth Eddie Redmayne in Pillars of the Earth Eddie Redmayne in Pillars of the Earth Eddie Redmayne in Pillars of the Earth Eddie Redmayne in Pillars of the Earth Eddie Redmayne in Pillars of the Earth Eddie Redmayne in Pillars of the Earth Eddie Redmayne in Pillars of the Earth

Eddie Redmayne is one of those actors who can act out anything, with his beautiful face he can dress up as a woman and still be desirable. In the “Pillars of the Earth” Eddie is playing Jack a troubled young lad who is trying to find his god. Eddie removes his robe and stands in the room completely motionless waiting to be poured with water to cleanse him.